Sermons by Pastor Dr. Jeff Rich
Yahweh Our Helper
Psalm 121 Sunday Service / During the difficulties of your life you should be confident and take comfort in God your help
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Luke 13:31-35 Sunday Service / Jesus must journey to Jerusalem for you and for me.
In the Gospel, Sorrow Becomes Joy
John 16:16-22 Sunday Service / Christian, Childbirth teaches us that your sorrow can be turned into joy in the gospel.
Kingdom Entrance
Luke 13:22-30 Sunday Service / Choosing to enter into the kingdom is the most important decision of your life.
Truths in Tension
Various Scriptures, Sunday Service / We need to hold onto the truth of both God’s sovereignty and our responsibility for the growth of our souls and the glory of God.
Wise Men Still Seek Him
Matthew 2:1-12 Sunday Service / Wise men still seek Jesus Christ diligently, genuinely, and joyfully.
What Is the Kingdom of God Like?
Luke 13:18-21 Sunday Service / The kingdom of God has broken in with the birth of the king and despite the best efforts of fallen man in a sin cursed world, Christ’s kingdom will win in history – small beginnings will fade away to full victory. Are you a part of His kingdom, and if you are, are you doing your part?
Those Who Thirst, Come and Drink
John 7:37-39 Sunday Service / Jesus is the only water that will satisfy you forever. Come and drink!
The Light of the World
John 8:12 Sunday Service / Jesus is the only light that can penetrate this world’s present spiritual darkness.
Freedom for Joy
Luke 13:10-17 Sunday Service / Freedom from sin, through the compassion of Christ, is cause for rejoicing!
Unless You Repent
Luke 13:1-9 Sunday Service / Repentance begins and then is the Christian life.
See and Settle with Jesus
Luke 12:54-59 Sunday Service / Jesus loves people enough to urgently warn them to respond before it is too late. How about us?
Jesus and Judgment
Luke 12:49-53 Sunday Service / Jesus has come to bring the mercy of salvation, yet this salvation will come through judgment.
God Speaks
Psalm 19 Sunday Service / The contemplation of God’s revelation leads to the consecration of your life.
Be Active Until the Coming of Christ- Part 2
Luke 12:45-48 Sunday Service / Since your attitude is ready to see Jesus, be active until the second coming of Jesus.
Be Active Until the Coming of Christ, Part 1
Luke 12:41-44 Sunday Service / Be active, a faithful steward, until the return of the King.
Be Ready for the Coming
Luke 12:35-40 Sunday Service / Wait expectantly for the return of the King!
Tell the Generations to Come!
Psalm 78:1-8 Sunday Service / The generation to come must be taught to know God and His Word.
When I Find Time
Acts 24:24-27 Sunday Service / Today is the day you must believe in Jesus.
Faith Works Through Love
Galatians 6:1-5 Sunday Service / Love expresses itself in the actions of restoring those caught in sin and bearing heavy burdens.