Sermons by Jim Wentzlaff
God’s Majestic Call and Charge to the Minister of Jesus Christ
1 Timothy 6:11-16 Sunday Service / In the face of doctrinal attacks and church strife, Paul charges Timothy to persevere in the call of ministry by the majestic witness of God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Sound Doctrine
1 Timothy 6:1-5 Sunday Service / Sound doctrine, the gospel of grace, produces godliness in believers and the local church. In contrast, Sick (false) doctrine, produces controversy, friction, and disunity.
The Widow’s Ministries in the Church Family
1 Tim 5:9-16 Sunday Service / God calls older and younger widows to unique special ministries within the local church and their families.
Confronting and Caring in the Family of God
1 Timothy 5:1-8 Sunday Service / In the church we are to show honor by confronting one another in love and caring for those who have no family of their own.
The Benefit (Fruit) of Being Alive in Christ
Romans 6:20-23 Sunday Service / Paul contrasts the benefits and outcomes of the believer’s past slavery to sin with the believer’s present slavery to God to remind them that they have received the free gift of God which is eternal life. So, live like it now.
Choose Your Master
Romans 6:15-19 Sunday Service / Now that past slavery to sin has been broken by Jesus, not only is the dominion of sin broken, but the power of sin will diminish as God sanctifies us.
You Are Alive to God – Now, Live Like It! Part 2
Romans 6:11-14 Sunday Service / Believers have been baptized, buried, and resurrected from death to newness of life in Christ Jesus. We are appointed to know, believe, and appropriate the reality of our union in Christ Jesus. We are alive to God – Now live like it!
You Are Alive to God – Now, Live Like It! Part 1
Romans 6:1-10 Sunday Service / Believers have been baptized, buried, and resurrected from death to newness of life in Christ Jesus. We are appointed to know, believe, and appropriate the reality of our union in Christ Jesus. We are alive to God – Now live like it!
Resting in Our Great High Priest
Hebrews 4:14-16 Sunday Service / We can rest in the provision of Christ’s High Priesthood to hold us fast in saving faith to the end.
Rest for a Noisy Soul
Matthew 11:28-30 Sunday Service / Do you desire rest from a noisy soul? Jesus alone provides rest and peace for the weary and heavy laden. Jesus calls us into initial rest and an ongoing experience of rest because He is gentle and humble of heart.
Building on the Foundation
1 Corinthians 3 Sunday Service / Brothers and sisters in the local church are called to serve God in unity through humility for the the furtherance of the gospel.
Resisting Temptation
James 1:12-16 Sunday Service / God allows trials in our lives to test our faith for endurance. Those same trials that God means to prove our faith can also be used as a temptation to sin. James provides a way of escape from allowing trials to take us captive to temptation and sin.
Who Is God in the Midst of My Trial?
Psalm 28 Midweek Service / Help from Psalm 28 in the midst of trials. God allows trials to draw us closer to him, to sanctify us, and for His glory.
Forgiving, A Biblical Understanding
Midweek Service
The Trap of Self-Righteousness
Luke 18:9-14 Sunday Service / If you died today where would you go, Heaven or Hell? When you say Heaven, we ask on what basis? Jesus teaches us to not fall into the trap of self-righteousness. We dare not approach the throne of God based on our own merits. Instead we approach in humility where we are not trusting in ourselves but in Christ’s righteousness alone.
Discipling With Our Union in Christ
Midweek Service Rom 7:4 / We are all called in the fellowship to disciple one another. You are capable and competent to disciple in the Word calling believers to biblical change through their union with Christ.
Simple Hospitality for Gospel Outreach
Wednesday Service
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