Sermons from December 2024
Truths in Tension
Various Scriptures, Sunday Service / We need to hold onto the truth of both God’s sovereignty and our responsibility for the growth of our souls and the glory of God.
Wise Men Still Seek Him
Matthew 2:1-12 Sunday Service / Wise men still seek Jesus Christ diligently, genuinely, and joyfully.
What Is the Kingdom of God Like?
Luke 13:18-21 Sunday Service / The kingdom of God has broken in with the birth of the king and despite the best efforts of fallen man in a sin cursed world, Christ’s kingdom will win in history – small beginnings will fade away to full victory. Are you a part of His kingdom, and if you are, are you doing your part?
God’s Majestic Call and Charge to the Minister of Jesus Christ
1 Timothy 6:11-16 Sunday Service / In the face of doctrinal attacks and church strife, Paul charges Timothy to persevere in the call of ministry by the majestic witness of God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Those Who Thirst, Come and Drink
John 7:37-39 Sunday Service / Jesus is the only water that will satisfy you forever. Come and drink!