"conversion" Tagged Sermons
Kingdom Entrance
Luke 13:22-30 Sunday Service / Choosing to enter into the kingdom is the most important decision of your life.
The Food of Jesus
John 4:25-29; 39-42 Sunday Service / The food of Jesus is to seek and save lost sinners and we are called to enter into this same mission of mercy.
Discerning Discipleship, Part 1
Luke 6:20-26 Sunday Service / A true disciple has been humbled before God which leads to happiness in God and this humble happiness manifests to the world.
The Cure for the Corrupt
Luke 5:27-32 Sunday Service / The Great Physician heals the sick sinner by calling to repentance.
I Am Willing
Luke 5:12-16 Sunday Service / Needy sinners are fully cleansed by the willing Savior.
Knowing God
Galatians 4:8-11 Sunday Service / You were slaves, but now you are sons. How can you turn back to slavery? I fear for you.
O Foolish Galatians!
Galatians 3:1-5 Sunday Service / The Gospel truth is confirmed by your Christian experience.
Revelation of the Gospel – Part One
Galatians 1:11-16a Sunday Service / The true gospel originates from God alone, so we must hold fast to the gospel found in God’s apostolic revelation – His Word.
Faithful to the Gospel Mission
Acts 26 Sunday Service / Like Paul we are called to be faithful evangelists by boldly proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ in a world of opposition.
The Point of Pastoral Ministry
1 Thessalonians 1; Thessalonians 2:1-12 Sunday Service / The point of pastoral ministry is to be faithful to preach and to pray.
Systematic Theology, Lesson 26: Soteriology, Part 4
CE Hour / Repentance and faith (conversion)
Let the Redeemed Say So!
Psalm 107 Sunday Service / If we have been redeemed of the Lord how can we be silent about it?