"cross" Tagged Sermons
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Luke 13:31-35 Sunday Service / Jesus must journey to Jerusalem for you and for me.
Jesus and Judgment
Luke 12:49-53 Sunday Service / Jesus has come to bring the mercy of salvation, yet this salvation will come through judgment.
Indescribable Love
John 3:16 Sunday Service / The love of God for sinners is beyond comprehension. Have you received the love of God for yourself?
From Majesty to Misery
Luke 9:37-45 Sunday Service / The good news is that Jesus moves from the majesty on the mount down to minister to those in misery.
Suffering With Job, Part 9: Justice and Suffering
Job 32-37 Sunday Service / God is not silent; He has spoken; He is just in the suffering in your life.
Suffering with Job, Part 5: Sin and Suffering
Job 4:1-27:23 Sunday Service / Suffering is not necessarily the result of particular and personal sins.
Suffering with Job, Part 4: Emotions and Suffering
Job 2:11-3:26 Sunday Service / Four wisdom lessons on emotions and suffering from the book of Job.
A Glimpse of God
Exodus 32-34 Sunday Service / We have an incorrect view of God, so we need a correct view of God found in Jesus Christ, which leads to a relationship with Him.
Our Only Boast
Galatians 6:11-16 Sunday Service / Our only confidence is the finished work of the cross of Jesus Christ.
Redeemed from the Curse
Galatians 3:10, 13 Sunday Service / Those who work in order to be accepted by God are cursed but those who believe in Jesus in order to be accepted by God are blessed.
Cross Exchange: The Seven Sayings of Christ on the Cross, Part 3
John 19:30; Luke 23:46 Sunday Service / In the seven sayings of Christ on the cross, we benefit from seven great exchanges.
Cross Exchange: The Seven Sayings of Christ on the Cross, Part 2
John 19:26-28; Matt 27:46 Sunday Service / In the seven sayings of Christ on the cross,we benefit from seven great exchanges.
Cross Exchange: The Seven Sayings of Christ on the Cross, Part 1
Luke 23:34, 43 Sunday Service / (no recording available)
Amazing Love
John 3:16 Sunday Service / The love of God for sinners is astounding – believe in the Father’s gift of His one and only Son, Jesus.
The Sight of the Serpent
John 3:14-15 Sunday Service / All of our fleshly efforts to obtain salvation are useless because the only remedy for our hopeless, sinful condition is to look to Jesus Christ alone in order to have eternal life.
Flee Cross-Enemies
Philippians 3:18-19 Sunday Service / We must follow Christ-pursuers because the danger of cross-enemies is real.
So That You Might Believe
John 19:38-42 Sunday Service / Nicodemus and Joseph were examples of real faith in Jesus Christ.
Why You Will Make It Home
1 Peter 3:18 Sunday Service
The Triumph of the Cross
Colossians 2:13-15 Sunday Service / The significance of Jesus’ last words: It is finished!