"grace" Tagged Sermons
Guarding the treasure of Truth
1 Timothy 6:20-21 Sunday Service / By the grace of God, Timothy is to guard the treasure of Scripture by holding fast to sound gospel teaching and protecting the church from false teachers.
Stewards of Grace
1 Peter 4:1-10 Sunday Service / There is no such thing as unemployment in Christ’s church.
The Benefit (Fruit) of Being Alive in Christ
Romans 6:20-23 Sunday Service / Paul contrasts the benefits and outcomes of the believer’s past slavery to sin with the believer’s present slavery to God to remind them that they have received the free gift of God which is eternal life. So, live like it now.
Choose Your Master
Romans 6:15-19 Sunday Service / Now that past slavery to sin has been broken by Jesus, not only is the dominion of sin broken, but the power of sin will diminish as God sanctifies us.
Resting in Our Great High Priest
Hebrews 4:14-16 Sunday Service / We can rest in the provision of Christ’s High Priesthood to hold us fast in saving faith to the end.
Anatomy of a Forgiving Person
Philemon 1-9 Sunday Service / Forgiveness is hard but through sovereign Grace, a love for the Saints and faith towards our Lord and a teachable, humble spirit forgiveness and reconciliation is possible.
The Fruit of Forgiveness
Luke 7:36-50 Sunday Service / There is a connection between forgiveness from Jesus and love for Jesus. The greater the sense of forgiveness from Jesus the greater the love for Jesus.
You Are Now Sons! Part One
Galatians 4:1-5 Sunday Service / By sheer grace through faith alone, you have moved from Slavery to Sonship.
Final Fellowship
Philippians 4:21-23 Sunday Service / We have fellowship with others because we have fellowship with God.
A Gospel Testimony
1 Timothy 1:12-17 Sunday Service / The gospel shapes you into a person who continually sees yourself as a big sinner and Jesus as a bigger Savior.
The Glorious Impossible
Luke 1:26-38 Sunday Service God will keep his saving promises even if it seems impossible.
Five Solas of the Reformation, Part 4: Sola Gratia (By Grace Alone)
Ephesians 2:8-9 Sunday Service / Salvation is by grace alone! No merit of our own, it is a gift of God alone. Not what our hands have done, so all praise goes to the Son!
Finding Grace after the Ruins
Joshua 8 Sunday Service / After the ruins of Achan’s sin in Joshua 7, we see how God’s grace abounds incredibly with His people.
Living as Citizens – Part 2
Philippians 1:29-30 Sunday Service / Live out your heavenly citizenship in the midst of earthly opposition. But how?
Why Pray? Part 3: My Fondness
Philippians 1:7-8 Sunday Service / We pray for other believers because we have affection for them.
Jonah – Depths of Grace, Part 4: Our Great God
Jonah 3:1-10 Sunday Service / Jonah 3 displays the greatness of God in five ways.
A Scarlet Line, A Scarlet Hope
Joshua 2 Sunday Service / An amazing story of intrigue and adventure that reads like a spy movie reveals much more. We see that God advances His kingdom through the salvation of Gentile sinners like you and me.
Jonah – Depths of Grace, Part 2: Into God’s Storm
Jonah 1:4-16 Sunday Service / God rescues and restores rebels on the run with his sovereign and “stormy” grace.
A Well-Ordered Church, Part 2
Titus 3:12-15 Sunday Service / Paul shows us six ways to establish and maintain a well-ordered local church.
A Well-Ordered Church, Part 1
Titus 3:8-11 Sunday Service / Paul shows us six ways to establish and maintain a well-ordered local church.
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