"grace" Tagged Sermons

"grace" Tagged Sermons

Guarding the treasure of Truth

1 Timothy 6:20-21 Sunday Service / By the grace of God, Timothy is to guard the treasure of Scripture by holding fast to sound gospel teaching and protecting the church from false teachers.

The Benefit (Fruit) of Being Alive in Christ

Romans 6:20-23 Sunday Service / Paul contrasts the benefits and outcomes of the believer’s past slavery to sin with the believer’s present slavery to God to remind them that they have received the free gift of God which is eternal life. So, live like it now.

Choose Your Master

Romans 6:15-19 Sunday Service / Now that past slavery to sin has been broken by Jesus, not only is the dominion of sin broken, but the power of sin will diminish as God sanctifies us.

Anatomy of a Forgiving Person

Philemon 1-9 Sunday Service / Forgiveness is hard but through sovereign Grace, a love for the Saints and faith towards our Lord and a teachable, humble spirit forgiveness and reconciliation is possible.

The Fruit of Forgiveness

Luke 7:36-50 Sunday Service / There is a connection between forgiveness from Jesus and love for Jesus.  The greater the sense of forgiveness from Jesus the greater the love for Jesus.

A Gospel Testimony​

1 Timothy 1:12-17 Sunday Service / The gospel shapes you into a person who continually sees yourself as a big sinner and Jesus as a bigger Savior.​

A Scarlet Line, A Scarlet Hope

Joshua 2 Sunday Service / An amazing story of intrigue and adventure that reads like a spy movie reveals much more. We see that God advances His kingdom through the salvation of Gentile sinners like you and me.
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