"sovereignty" Tagged Sermons
Truths in Tension
Various Scriptures, Sunday Service / We need to hold onto the truth of both God’s sovereignty and our responsibility for the growth of our souls and the glory of God.
God’s Majestic Call and Charge to the Minister of Jesus Christ
1 Timothy 6:11-16 Sunday Service / In the face of doctrinal attacks and church strife, Paul charges Timothy to persevere in the call of ministry by the majestic witness of God the Father and Jesus Christ.
The Source of Lasting Joy
Luke 10:17-24 Sunday Service / As we work in our appointed fields, rejoice in God’s great salvation not our own success.
Anatomy of a Forgiving Person
Philemon 1-9 Sunday Service / Forgiveness is hard but through sovereign Grace, a love for the Saints and faith towards our Lord and a teachable, humble spirit forgiveness and reconciliation is possible.
Remember God’s Character
Deuteronomy 2:1-23 Sunday Service / To press forward, we must remember the unchanging character of our God as evidenced in the past.
On Tour in Galilee
Luke 8:1-3 Sunday Service / Believers are followers of Jesus Christ, participating in His ministry.
Suffering with Job, Part 11: Evil and Suffering
Job 38:1-42:6 Sunday Service / Evil and suffering have a place in our world, but God limits it until He defeats and destroys it.
Suffering with Job, Part 2: Suffering and Sovereignty
Job 1:1-2:13 Sunday Service / God is sovereign over all the suffering in your life.
Holy, Holy, Holy
Psalm 99 Sunday Service / God is unlike any other, so worship Him.
Humbled to Know Heaven Rules
Daniel 4 Midweek Service
Revelation of the Gospel – Part One
Galatians 1:11-16a Sunday Service / The true gospel originates from God alone, so we must hold fast to the gospel found in God’s apostolic revelation – His Word.
The God of Heaven
Daniel 2 Midweek Service Nothing is impossible with the God of heaven for he possesses all wisdom and power so that he will win in history.
Overview of Daniel
Midweek Service What is the book of Daniel all about?
Truths in Tension
Sunday Service Divine sovereignty and human responsibility are taught side-by-side in the same texts of Scripture and we must believe both truths.
When the Merciful God Shows No Mercy
Joshua 11 Sunday Service / The utter destruction of Canaan’s northern tribes completes Israel’s conquest of the land. God’s purposes in giving the land to Israel also executes merciless judgment on Canaan. How could a God of love show no mercy to even women and children?
Jonah – Depths of Grace, Part 2: Into God’s Storm
Jonah 1:4-16 Sunday Service / God rescues and restores rebels on the run with his sovereign and “stormy” grace.
Fighting the Lion – Part 2
1 Peter 5:8-11 Sunday Service / On this hard road home to heaven, the devil is trying to devour you Christian.