Sermons on Holiness
God’s Majestic Call and Charge to the Minister of Jesus Christ
1 Timothy 6:11-16 Sunday Service / In the face of doctrinal attacks and church strife, Paul charges Timothy to persevere in the call of ministry by the majestic witness of God the Father and Jesus Christ.
The Authority of Jesus
Luke 4:31-37 Sunday Service / The Word of Jesus has ultimate authority over all things, even the demons, and so His Word has authority over us as well.
The Temptation of Christ: Waging the War
Luke 4:1-13 Sunday Service / Jesus waged war against the Devil, resisting temptation by trusting in the Word of God and establishing His credentials as the Messiah, the faithful Israelite, the second Adam.
Resisting Temptation
James 1:12-16 Sunday Service / God allows trials in our lives to test our faith for endurance. Those same trials that God means to prove our faith can also be used as a temptation to sin. James provides a way of escape from allowing trials to take us captive to temptation and sin.
The Strongest Muscle
Proverbs Sunday Service / The strongest muscle in the spiritual body is the tongue for life and death is in the power of the tongue.
The Doctrine of Complaining
Midweek Service
The Gospel and Gray Matters, Part 2
Romans 14:13-23 Sunday Service / We must limit our liberty for the sake of another Christian.
Systematic Theology, Lesson 28: Soteriology, Part 6
CE Hour / Progressive sanctification
Obedience Before Understanding
Psalm 119:97-104 Midweek Service / A heart for God’s word leads to meditation leads to obedience leads to understanding leads to a greater love for God’s word and hatred of sin.
Obadiah, Part 2: God Executes Justice
Obadiah 1:10-21 Sunday Service
A Model For Spiritual Growth
Colossians 1:9-14 Sunday Service / Colossians gives us a spiritual model for how to grow spiritually in the Lord – walking worthy of God by growing in our spiritual walk.
The Christ-Focused Life
Colossians 3:1-4 Sunday Service / Having a focus on Christ in order to live out the everyday life as a Christian.
Be Holy Like Your Father
1 Peter 1:14-16