Sermons on John
In the Gospel, Sorrow Becomes Joy
John 16:16-22 Sunday Service / Christian, Childbirth teaches us that your sorrow can be turned into joy in the gospel.
Those Who Thirst, Come and Drink
John 7:37-39 Sunday Service / Jesus is the only water that will satisfy you forever. Come and drink!
The Light of the World
John 8:12 Sunday Service / Jesus is the only light that can penetrate this world’s present spiritual darkness.
Why Are You Weeping?
John 20:11-18 Sunday Service / Let’s walk with Mary as she meets the Risen Savior on the first Resurrection morning.
Indescribable Love
John 3:16 Sunday Service / The love of God for sinners is beyond comprehension. Have you received the love of God for yourself?
John 10:35 Sunday Service / Since the Scripture cannot be broken we ought to build our church, our families, and our lives upon its unchanging truth.
Competing Loves
John 12:1-8 Sunday Service / If Jesus is our greatest treasure it makes sense when our joy and affection for Jesus far surpasses other treasures in this world.
This Sickness for My Glory
John 11:1-16 Sunday Service / Suffering in our lives is designed for God’s glory and our eternal good.
True Freedom
John 8:31-36 Sunday Service / To move from temporary slaves to forever sons in Christ is true freedom!
The Father’s Love
John 16:25-28 Sunday Service / Believers have an intimate love relationship with the Father. How can we grow in this relationship?
The Door to Eternal Blessings
John 10:7-10 Sunday Service
He Must Rise
John 20:1-10 Sunday Service / No question is more important to answer than this – is Jesus alive from the dead?
The Food of Jesus
John 4:25-29; 39-42 Sunday Service / The food of Jesus is to seek and save lost sinners and we are called to enter into this same mission of mercy.
Keep Them from the Evil, Part 2
Luke 17:14-18 Sunday Service / The Christian life is a battle against spiritual enemies. Are we engaging the enemies? How do we wage war?
Keep Them from the Evil, Part 1
John 17:14-16 Sunday Service / Since Jesus passionately prays for our protection, we ought to take seriously our need for protection until we reach glory as we travel on our dangerous journey through this world.
Why Are You Weeping?
John 20:11-18 Sunday Service / Walk with Mary to find your weeping turn into joy gazing upon the Risen Savior who ushers in a new age.
Misunderstanding John 3:16
John 3:16 Sunday Service / We often misunderstand John 3:16 because it is so familiar. But understanding it correctly brings about the glorious truths of the passage.
Encouragement from the Encourager
John 14:16-17; 15:26-27; 16:13-14 Sunday Service / The Holy Spirit is the Christian’s built-in Encourager.
Entering the Labor of the Savior
John 4:1-43 Sunday Service
Cross Exchange: The Seven Sayings of Christ on the Cross, Part 3
John 19:30; Luke 23:46 Sunday Service / In the seven sayings of Christ on the cross, we benefit from seven great exchanges.
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