"blessing" Tagged Sermons
What Is the Kingdom of God Like?
Luke 13:18-21 Sunday Service / The kingdom of God has broken in with the birth of the king and despite the best efforts of fallen man in a sin cursed world, Christ’s kingdom will win in history – small beginnings will fade away to full victory. Are you a part of His kingdom, and if you are, are you doing your part?
Remember: The Aftermath of Unbelief
Deuteronomy 1:34-46 Sunday Service / In our lives, there are consequences and choices in the aftermath of sin.
Satisfied in God Alone
Psalm 84 Sunday Service / Ultimate satisfaction is found in the presence, power, plan, and promises of God alone.
Blessed Who Believe
Luke 1:39-45 Sunday Service / Blessing comes by believing that all the promises of God’s Word will be fulfilled.
Galatians 3:6-9 Sunday Service / Definitive evidence for the blessing of justification through faith alone and not works of the Law is found in the Old Testament Scripture.
God’s Blessing and the Nations Praise
Psalm 67 Sunday Service / God blesses his people so that the nations will be drawn to Him in praise.
The Pursuit of Happiness – Part 1
1 Peter 3:8-12 Sunday Service