"gospel" Tagged Sermons
In the Gospel, Sorrow Becomes Joy
John 16:16-22 Sunday Service / Christian, Childbirth teaches us that your sorrow can be turned into joy in the gospel.
Tell the Generations to Come!
Psalm 78:1-8 Sunday Service / The generation to come must be taught to know God and His Word.
Woe to Scribes! Exposing Hypocrisy Part 2
Luke 11:45-52 Sunday Service / You can know the Word of God and yet not know the God of the Word.
The Horizontal and Vertical Nature of Corporate Singing
Colossians 3:16 Sunday Service / Singing in the church is a means by which we teach and admonish one another to obey Christ in all things.
Gospel-Shaped Church, Part 9: Review
1 Timothy 3:14-16 Sunday Service / A church is to be shaped by the gospel in both teaching and practice.
Workers for the Harvest- Part 2
Luke 10:9-16 Sunday Service / Every Christian is a worker sent by Jesus into the harvest of the lost.
It Is Necessary
Luke 9:21-22 Sunday Service / The person and work of Jesus is absolutely required to save you forever.
Gospel-Shaped Church, Part 4: Perseverance
1 Timothy 1:18-20 Sunday Service / A gospel shaped church/Christian perseveres by keeping faith and a good conscience in the context of local church membership.
Gospel-Shaped Church, Part 3: Testimony
1 Timothy 1:12-17 Sunday Service / A gospel shaped church/Christian is one who continually sees yourself as a big sinner but Jesus as a bigger Savior.
Gospel-Shaped Church, Part 2: Teaching
1 Timothy 1:3-11 Sunday Service / A gospel shaped church teaches the law and gospel properly.
Gospel-Shaped Church, Part 1: Introduction
1 Timothy 1:1-2; 3:14-16 Sunday Service / The church must be shaped by the gospel!
Suffering with Job, Part 12: The Gospel and Suffering
Job 42:7-17 Sunday Service / The book of Job is a picture of the gospel–a gospel with calls and promises regarding suffering.
If Christ Has Not Been Raised
1 Corinthians 15:12-20 Sunday Service / Without the resurrection, the gospel is not good news.
Two Ways to Build
Luke 6:46-49 Sunday Service / You cannot call Jesus Lord and then refuse to do what He says.
When I Find TIme
Acts 24:24-27 Sunday Baptism Service / Do not wait, judgment is coming, enter into the ark of safety, Jesus Christ.
The Names of Christmas
Matthew 1:21-25 Sunday Service / You shall call His name Jesus, Our Immanuel!
Overflowing with Thanksgiving
Book of Colossians, Sunday Service / The litmus test for the health of the Christian is thanksgiving.
A United Church
Ephesians 4:1-6 Sunday Service / The church is unified. We must, therefore, maintain unity.
Good News for the Lowly
Luke 2:8-20 Sunday Service / The good news of Jesus is for the humble in heart.
The Truth of This Gospel
Luke 1:1-4 Sunday Service / We can be certain that Luke contains the exact truth about the good news of Jesus Christ for outcast sinners.