"judgment" Tagged Sermons
Kingdom Entrance
Luke 13:22-30 Sunday Service / Choosing to enter into the kingdom is the most important decision of your life.
Jesus and Judgment
Luke 12:49-53 Sunday Service / Jesus has come to bring the mercy of salvation, yet this salvation will come through judgment.
Be Active Until the Coming of Christ- Part 2
Luke 12:45-48 Sunday Service / Since your attitude is ready to see Jesus, be active until the second coming of Jesus.
When I Find Time
Acts 24:24-27 Sunday Service / Today is the day you must believe in Jesus.
The One to Whom God Looks
Isaiah 66:1-6 Sunday Service / True worship contrasted with false religious formalism. True worship sees the true God as he is and worships him according to his word with a heart that loves him. False worship replace the true God for an idol and worships him according to its own imagination.
The Parable of the Soils- Part 1
Luke 8:4-10 Sunday Service / If you have ears to hear, listen to the Word of God.
Two Ways to Build
Luke 6:46-49 Sunday Service / You cannot call Jesus Lord and then refuse to do what He says.
Only Two Ways
Psalm 1 Sunday Service / There are only two ways to live your life. One is the way of true happiness and the other is the way of complete hopelessness.
The Gospel and Gray Matters, Part 1
Romans 14:1-12 Sunday Service / Three principles grounded in two gospel reasons guide us in the gray matters.
The Handwriting is on the Wall
Daniel 5 Midweek Service
Distinguishing Different Destinies
Malachi 4:1-3 Sunday Service / Christ’s return will be either your greatest hope or greatest horror.
Here is the God of Justice!
Malachi 3:1-6 Midweek Service / God is weary of those who question His justice.
I Have Loved You
Malachi 1:1-5 Midweek Service / God loves His people and we ought not to doubt it.
Obadiah, Part 2: God Executes Justice
Obadiah 1:10-21 Sunday Service