"sanctification" Tagged Sermons
In the Gospel, Sorrow Becomes Joy
John 16:16-22 Sunday Service / Christian, Childbirth teaches us that your sorrow can be turned into joy in the gospel.
Patience in Pastoral Appointments
1 Timothy 5:22-25 Sunday Service / Patience is necessary when appointing elders/pastors because patients protects culpability, prevents corruption and provides clarity.
Press on to the Prize
Philippians 3:12-14 Sunday Service / Christian, press on to know Christ fully and to be like Christ – Run your race.
The Benefit (Fruit) of Being Alive in Christ
Romans 6:20-23 Sunday Service / Paul contrasts the benefits and outcomes of the believer’s past slavery to sin with the believer’s present slavery to God to remind them that they have received the free gift of God which is eternal life. So, live like it now.
Choose Your Master
Romans 6:15-19 Sunday Service / Now that past slavery to sin has been broken by Jesus, not only is the dominion of sin broken, but the power of sin will diminish as God sanctifies us.
Teach Us to Pray, Part 7: Protection
Luke 11:4c Sunday Service / There are enemies within and without spiritually. We need spiritual protection. We need to be protected by our Father.
Remember Past Victories
Deuteronomy 2:24-3:11 Sunday Service / In order to do battle into the future, we must remember past victories accomplished in our lives by a faithful God.
Gospel-Shaped Church, Part 1: Introduction
1 Timothy 1:1-2; 3:14-16 Sunday Service / The church must be shaped by the gospel!
The Wonder of Unity
Psalm 133 Sunday Service / Unity among church family is a wonderful blessing.
The Deeds of the Flesh
Galatians 5:19-21 Sunday Service / The deeds of the flesh are obvious and dangerous. Walk by the Spirit!
The Fight for Freedom
Galatians 5:16-18 Sunday Service / Freedom from the power of sin can only be found when walking by the Spirit.
Encouragement from the Encourager
John 14:16-17; 15:26-27; 16:13-14 Sunday Service / The Holy Spirit is the Christian’s built-in Encourager.
Freedom to Love
Galatians 5:13-15 Sunday Service / True freedom is not freedom to serve self in sin but to serve others in love.
You Were Running Well!
Galatians 5:7-12 Sunday Service / During the race of your Christian life, watch out for the obstacle of gospel twisting false teachers.
Why We Labor
Galatians 4:17-19 Sunday Service / Christ-formation is the singular motivation for the pastor’s labor.
Your Idols Won’t Deliver
Isaiah 44:6-23 Sunday Service / Idolatry creeps into our hearts even as believers. What is it and how can we combat it?
The Secret to Spiritual Stability – Part 2
Philippians 4:10-13 Sunday Service / We ought to pursue contentment because it is the essence of spiritual stability.
Press on to the Prize, Part 2
Philippians 3:15-16 Sunday Service / Paul challenges us to press on for the prize no matter where we are on our race course.
Press on to the Prize, Part 1
Philippians 3:12-14 Sunday Service / Press on to the prize of knowing Christ fully – run your race.
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