"teaching" Tagged Sermons
Guarding the treasure of Truth
1 Timothy 6:20-21 Sunday Service / By the grace of God, Timothy is to guard the treasure of Scripture by holding fast to sound gospel teaching and protecting the church from false teachers.
Tell the Generations to Come!
Psalm 78:1-8 Sunday Service / The generation to come must be taught to know God and His Word.
The Minister’s Mission
1 Tim 4:11-16 Sunday Service / The Pastor not only teaches the word of God but also lives according to the word of God as a model believer .
Gospel-Shaped Church, Part 9: Review
1 Timothy 3:14-16 Sunday Service / A church is to be shaped by the gospel in both teaching and practice.
Gospel-Shaped Church, Part 6: Roles
1 Timothy 2:8-15 Sunday Service / A gospel shaped church fulfills certain gender specific roles in the context of the local church.
Gospel-Shaped Church, Part 2: Teaching
1 Timothy 1:3-11 Sunday Service / A gospel shaped church teaches the law and gospel properly.
The Commission of the Church
Matthew 28:18-20 Sunday Service / The Word of God clearly establishes our commission at GCBC.
Love Shares
Galatians 6:6 Sunday Service / Love shares good gifts with the teacher of God’s Word because of the supreme value of the Word.
Gospel Assignments in the Assembly
Titus 2:1-5 Sunday Service / Each of us has a responsibility to adorn the gospel by our life within our churches to be a light to the world.
Teaching the Nations
Matthew 28:16-20, 2 Timothy 2:2 Sunday Service / Making disciples is characterized by teaching. Thus, teaching is just as important as evangelism in missions.
Priestly Failure in Word and Walk
Malachi 2:1-9 Midweek Service / The priests were failing revere God which produced careless instruction and Godless living.
Exposing False Teachers
Titus 1:10-14 Sunday Service / False teaching is extremely destructive to families that make up the church so elders should rebuke them.