Sermons on Scripture
Guarding the treasure of Truth
1 Timothy 6:20-21 Sunday Service / By the grace of God, Timothy is to guard the treasure of Scripture by holding fast to sound gospel teaching and protecting the church from false teachers.
God Speaks
Psalm 19 Sunday Service / The contemplation of God’s revelation leads to the consecration of your life.
The Last Sign
Luke 11:29-32 Sunday Service / We don’t need more evidence, we need to repent.
John 10:35 Sunday Service / Since the Scripture cannot be broken we ought to build our church, our families, and our lives upon its unchanging truth.
The One Needful Thing
Luke 10:38-42 Sunday Service / In our busy lives may we remember that listening to the Word of Jesus, communing with Him, is the one needful thing.
Careful Listeners
Luke 8:16-21 Sunday Service / Be careful how you listen to the Word of God.