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On Knowing God and Fearing Man
Luke 12:4-7 Sunday Service / The power and promises of God will overcome the fear of man. Remembering about God remedies fear about man.
The Danger of Hypocrisy
Luke 11:53-12:3 Sunday Service / Hypocrisy is dangerous so we ought to be careful by watching out for and warning against hypocrisy.
The Lord Helps His Own
Psalm 121 Sunday Service / The Lord helps His people through the working of His power, presence, protection and preservation.
Stewards of Grace
1 Peter 4:1-10 Sunday Service / There is no such thing as unemployment in Christ’s church.
Why Are You Weeping?
John 20:11-18 Sunday Service / Let’s walk with Mary as she meets the Risen Savior on the first Resurrection morning.
Woe to Scribes! Exposing Hypocrisy Part 2
Luke 11:45-52 Sunday Service / You can know the Word of God and yet not know the God of the Word.
Woe to Pharisees! Exposing Hypocrisy- Part 1
Luke 11:42-44 Sunday Service / In order to cultivate spiritual integrity, we must look deeply at the roots of hypocrisy so that we can repent.
Boasting in Weakness
2 Corinthians 12:1-10 Sunday Service / In our world, weakness is something to be avoided in every way possible. But in God’s world, it is something we should be content to have and even boast about. As we examine Paul’s experience in these verses, we will answer three questions: What is weakness, where does it come from and why should we boast in it?
True Cleansing
Luke 11:37-41 Sunday Service / Inward cleansing from sin is the “heart” of Christianity.
Do You See?
Luke 11:33-36 Sunday Service / We don’t need brighter light, we need to be given eyes to see.
The Benefit (Fruit) of Being Alive in Christ
Romans 6:20-23 Sunday Service / Paul contrasts the benefits and outcomes of the believer’s past slavery to sin with the believer’s present slavery to God to remind them that they have received the free gift of God which is eternal life. So, live like it now.
Look! Water!
Various Scriptures Sunday Service / Water baptism symbolizes the substance of Holy Spirit baptism into Christ by faith alone.
The Last Sign
Luke 11:29-32 Sunday Service / We don’t need more evidence, we need to repent.
Not Reformation, but Regeneration
Luke 11:24-38 / We don’t need to clean ourselves up, we must be born again to believe so that we listen and practice God’s Word.
Choose Your Master
Romans 6:15-19 Sunday Service / Now that past slavery to sin has been broken by Jesus, not only is the dominion of sin broken, but the power of sin will diminish as God sanctifies us.
No One is Neutral
Luke 11:14-23 Sunday Service / Jesus is Lord over all, so you must be all in.
Stability through Prayer
Philippians 4:6-7 Sunday Service / The stability and protection of God’s peace is found by choosing to prayer instead of worry.
At The Crossroads
Jeremiah 6:16 Sunday Service / We stand at the crossroads daily — every day we must choose the right path.
Indescribable Love
John 3:16 Sunday Service / The love of God for sinners is beyond comprehension. Have you received the love of God for yourself?
Teach Us to Pray, Part 9: Paternity
Luke 11:11-15 Sunday Service / God as our perfect Father is our steadfast hope in prayer.