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At The Crossroads
Jeremiah 6:16 Sunday Service / We stand at the crossroads daily — every day we must choose the right path.
Indescribable Love
John 3:16 Sunday Service / The love of God for sinners is beyond comprehension. Have you received the love of God for yourself?
Teach Us to Pray, Part 9: Paternity
Luke 11:11-15 Sunday Service / God as our perfect Father is our steadfast hope in prayer.
Teach Us to Pray, Part 8: Pleading
Luke 11:5-10 Sunday Service / We ought to confidently plead from the heart to our good Father.
You Are Alive to God – Now, Live Like It! Part 2
Romans 6:11-14 Sunday Service / Believers have been baptized, buried, and resurrected from death to newness of life in Christ Jesus. We are appointed to know, believe, and appropriate the reality of our union in Christ Jesus. We are alive to God – Now live like it!
You Are Alive to God – Now, Live Like It! Part 1
Romans 6:1-10 Sunday Service / Believers have been baptized, buried, and resurrected from death to newness of life in Christ Jesus. We are appointed to know, believe, and appropriate the reality of our union in Christ Jesus. We are alive to God – Now live like it!
Teach Us to Pray, Part 7: Protection
Luke 11:4c Sunday Service / There are enemies within and without spiritually. We need spiritual protection. We need to be protected by our Father.
Teach Us to Pray – Part 6: Forgiveness
Luke 11:4 Sunday Service / We have a father who will forgive his children so let us go to him moment by moment for pardon.
Teach Us to Pray – Part 5: Forgiveness
Luke 11:4 Sunday Service / We have a Father who will forgive. Let’s go to Him moment by moment for pardon.
The Horizontal and Vertical Nature of Corporate Singing
Colossians 3:16 Sunday Service / Singing in the church is a means by which we teach and admonish one another to obey Christ in all things.
O Come, Let Us Adore Him
Psalm 8 Sunday Service / Followers of God are called to worship the Creator.
Teach Us to Pray- Part 4: Our Daily Bread
Luke 11:3 Sunday Service / Give us this day our daily bread is a fundamental request in our prayers expressing a humble dependence to supply our daily needs.
Teach Us to Pray- Part 3: Your Kingdom Come
Luke 11:2b Sunday Service / Requesting the glory of the coming kingdom sets our priorities for our daily good.
Teach Us to Pray- Part 2: The Glory of God
Luke 11:2 Sunday Service / A focus and pursuit of the glory of God in our lives will always produce the most good for us.
Teach Us to Pray – Part 1: The Principles of Prayer
Luke 11:1-2a Sunday Service/ The Lord will answer this request every moment – Lord, teach us to pray!
John 10:35 Sunday Service / Since the Scripture cannot be broken we ought to build our church, our families, and our lives upon its unchanging truth.
The One Needful Thing
Luke 10:38-42 Sunday Service / In our busy lives may we remember that listening to the Word of Jesus, communing with Him, is the one needful thing.
Competing Loves
John 12:1-8 Sunday Service / If Jesus is our greatest treasure it makes sense when our joy and affection for Jesus far surpasses other treasures in this world.
This Sickness for My Glory
John 11:1-16 Sunday Service / Suffering in our lives is designed for God’s glory and our eternal good.
You Can’t Buy Heaven
Psalm 49 Sunday Service / Trusting in your riches for redemption with fail, but God will redeem you so why are you running so hard after money?