Sermons on Salvation
Those Who Thirst, Come and Drink
John 7:37-39 Sunday Service / Jesus is the only water that will satisfy you forever. Come and drink!
The Door to Eternal Blessings
John 10:7-10 Sunday Service
It Is Necessary
Luke 9:21-22 Sunday Service / The person and work of Jesus is absolutely required to save you forever.
Jesus, the Preacher: The Exposition
Luke 4:14-21 Sunday Service / The fundamental characteristic of the ministry of Jesus was preaching the word in the power of the spirit. May the same be true for us today.
Jesus, the Son of Adam
Luke 3:23-38 Sunday Service / The genealogy of Jesus underlines His credentials pointing to his status as the true Messiah, so he is qualified even to save sinners like us.
What Shall We Do?
Luke 3:10-20 Sunday Service / John the Baptist prepared the way to Jesus. A prepared heart is a repentant heart, and a repentant heart will produce real results. What are the results that flow from repentance?
Meeting the Messiah
Luke 2:25-38 Sunday Service / The only permanent joy and satisfaction is found in meeting Jesus.
Fulfilling the Whole Law
Luke 2:21-24 Sunday Service / Jesus fulfilled the whole law for us beginning His saving mission on day one.
The Benedictus- Part 1
Luke 1:67-75 Sunday Service / This Christmas, may we praise God for redeeming His people and raising up His horn of salvation.
The Seeking Son of Man
Luke Sunday Service / Overview – The compassionate Son of Man seeks the salvation of outcast sinners, fulfilling God’s plan and promises.
Only Two Ways
Psalm 1 Sunday Service / There are only two ways to live your life. One is the way of true happiness and the other is the way of complete hopelessness.
Why is the Ascension Important?
Acts 1:1-11; Romans 8:34 Sunday Service / Christ’s ascension is as important as the resurrection for the Christian faith and our salvation.
Stand Firm in Freedom!
Galatians 5:1-6 Sunday Service / Keep standing firm in your freedom in Jesus Christ.
You Are Now Sons! Part One
Galatians 4:1-5 Sunday Service / By sheer grace through faith alone, you have moved from Slavery to Sonship.
Why The Law- Part 1
Galatians 3:19-21 Sunday Service / The Law demonstrates sin and drives us to the Savior.
The Superior Still Stands
Galatians 3:15-18 Sunday Service / Since the Abrahamic Covenant takes priority when it comes to salvation, God does not deal with us on the basis of our performance, but on the basis of His promise.
The Dead End of the Law
Galatians 3:10-14 Sunday Service / If you rely on the law to be right with God you will be cursed, but if you rely on the Christ to be right with God, you will be blessed.
The Necessity of the Church for the Gospel
Rom 10:13-17; Eph 4:11-13 Sunday Service / Outside of the visible church there is no ordinary possibility of salvation.
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